Turbozaurs: Year of the Dragon

Celebrating the coming 2024 which according to the Eastern calendar will be the Year of the Dragon, Turbozaurs animated series launching its new sticker pack on Viber platform, where Turbozaurs’ own global channel in English has already attracted over 300 thousand subscribers from more than 80 countries.

For the Year of the Dragon (this is the sign closest to dinosaurs) Turbozaurs prepared the stickerpack featuring series new character Siren, who joins an adventurous team in the 5th season. Siren is a dinosaur who looks a bit like a dragon, she can turn into a fire engine (as all Turbozaurs are dinosaurs who can transform themselves instantly into super powerful machines). She is an independent, active girl, always ready to help. The unique combination of transformers and dinosaurs, the most favorite heroes among modern kids, already captured the hearts of millions of kids in the world.

By now the Turbozaurs animated series has already undergone translation into 20 different languages and is available across the globe. Turbozaurs stickers serve as a universal language of communication, which is understood by all ages and speak the language of the series: they joke, cheer up and motivate.
